Welcome to Unbowed Spirit
Curiosity thrives here
In the middle of prayer on one of my meditative walks, a bald eagle flew directly towards me. A hawk decided to do the same. And just like that, these beautiful creatures became my constant companions,
and they kept me tethered to what is magical and alchemical.
What felt like walking into the Sun in those moments, became intimately woven into the
spiritual principles that inspire how I move in life today. I call them my three M’s.
M is for "Mercy"
'Mercy' is the English translation of my Zimbabwean birth name.
It also stands for the grace and kindness that directs ALL things in my life.
I am enveloped in this Power at all times, present in that which I willingly,
give and receive.
M is for "Majestic"
To be Majestic is to embody courage,
to act from an inherent sense of self-worth,
with the sole intent of evolving and becoming anew,
anytime the Soul calls for us to do so.
Tp be majestic is to brazenly and willingly
honor the path to self-sovereignty.
M is for "Masi/Musoni"
'Masivanda/Musoni' stands for the tribal titles that I carry from my fathers’ and mothers’
tribes respectively.
These titles remind me to behold legacy with respect, to wear ancestral pride loudly and to build dreams that outlive me.